Welcome to BAAM

BAAM was founded in February 2019 by Barry Stickings MBE.  Previously Barry was a volunteer for over 20 years as a Trustee and later Chairman for MACS the Microhthalmic, Anophthalmic & Coloboma Support group here in the UK. Barry and his wife Kelly's son Toby who was born in 1989 with Bilateral Anophthalmia. Barry felt it was time to form a support group to support those solely affected by Bilateral Anophthalmia. More importantly BAAM would like to be there welcome families from across the world to support each other by bringing families experiences and knowledge together.

Bilateral Anophthalmia is a very rare condition where a child is born without both eyes. It affects children Globally, 30 in 100,000 per year. That is why we encourage engagement with families from across all continents. BAAM is open to all. We want to welcome you all to our group. BAAM has one common aim to support our children and to make you our members feel less alone. On this website you will find links to help you now and in the future.

Only those with the experience of this condition can truly emphasis and help others. We can all help you to understand its consequences and long term effects. We have been there. This group will give you support, friendship, guidance, reassurance and personal stories. We are all there for each other as parents, brothers, sisters, family and friends. Within our group you can ask questions and get the answers with the confidence that the answer is from those who really understand, other BA families via our facebook page.

You may feel alone. But you're not. You may not know them yet but there could be families living in the same City, Village, street or area who thought they were also alone. BAAM intends to bring you and those families together from all corners of our world. No family should ever feel alone, we now have each other. We can form lasting bonds of friendship and help in preparing new families for the road ahead. Plus we can give the advice and support that only we as parents with a BA family can.

Let's look to the future and remember. This is YOUR group, it is a place where YOU can truly share and help others.  Contact us admin@baam.org.uk

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